Autumn is the season of letting go and turning inwards and releasing what no longer serves us - be that old thought patterns, relationships, habits or the environment we live in. Removing the old and the stale and in doing so reveal what truly matters to us. At this time we look to removing anything that veils or masks our true self.
The emotion for Autumn is grief.....saying goodbye to summer and cutting ties from what doesn't connect us to our true selves. Sometimes we hold onto old habits that we know are bad for us as we fear change. In Autumn we begin the process of reflection, repair and release. A falling away of outward energy.... old leaves fall back to the earth to nourish the soil for the growing seasons to come.
21 October - 20 December
Metal Element
Lungs and Large Intestine
Vishuddha Chakra (throat)
Yin season
Autumn is the season of letting go and turning inwards and releasing what no longer serves us - be that old thought patterns, relationships, habits or the environment we live in. Removing the old and the stale and in doing so reveal what truly matters to us. At this time we look to removing anything that veils or masks our true self.
The emotion for Autumn is grief.....saying goodbye to summer and cutting ties from what doesn't connect us to our true selves. Sometimes we hold onto old habits that we know are bad for us as we fear change. In Autumn we begin the process of reflection, repair and release. A falling away of outward energy.... old leaves fall back to the earth to nourish the soil for the growing seasons to come.
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Metal Element
The metal element encourages us to learn more about ourselves than any other season. It marks the end of the growing season. Just as metals give value to the earth in the form of minerals, the metal element within us gives us our sense of self worth. It represents order, discipline and precision. Each of us has a special unique gift to offer, when we rid ourselves of what prevents our light from shining we vibrate at our highest frequency. This enables us to enter winter in our purest form, ready to meet ourselves face to face - good and bad and to accept what is.
Too much energy in this element? -pent up emotion, judgemental, over powering, autocratic
Too little energy - depressed, melancholy, reclusive, grief, regret
Balanced energy - enthusiastic, social, open to new ideas, clear thinking, disciplined, principled, virtue, strength